Remove categories from Wordpress "the_category" function
This is a somewhat pointed issue, but I just ran into it so I figured I’d share the solution I found.
I have a category that I use to control which posts show up in the Orbit slider that is on my site’s homepage. I didn’t necessarily want that category showing up in those posts’ category lists, so I did some quick searching and found a good solution.
Here is a repost of the code I added to my theme’s functions.php that was found on Smashing Themes.
function the_category_filter($thelist,$separator=' ') {
if(!defined('WP_ADMIN')) {
//Category Names to exclude
$exclude = array('Featured - Home Slider', 'Uncategorized', 'Private');
$cats = explode($separator,$thelist);
$newlist = array();
foreach($cats as $cat) {
$catname = trim(strip_tags($cat));
$newlist[] = $cat;
return implode($separator,$newlist);
} else {
return $thelist;
add_filter('the_category','the_category_filter', 10, 2);
This was a very quick and easy fix, so a big thanks to Abdullah Ibrahim at Smashing Themes for the post! The code may be old, but it still does the trick!
Written on March 23, 2014